CEO Report

Chief Executive Officer Report


FROM:  Dr. Jesus Roberto Rodriguez,首席执行官

DATE:  August 1, 2023

RE:行政总裁报告要求. Educ. Code § 51.253(c)


根据德州教育法典(TEC)第51条.253(c), 机构的首席执行官必须在每个秋季或春季学期至少向机构的管理机构提交一次数据报告,并在机构的互联网网站上发布一份关于TEC下属员工收到的报告的报告, Section 51.252 .雇员报告中描述的事件类型构成“性骚扰”,” “sexual assault,” “dating violence,” or “stalking” as defined in the TEC, Section 51.第251条,以及根据TEC第51条采取的任何纪律处分.255.

为了遵守行政总裁在行政咨询委员会下的报告要求, Section 51.253(c), the attached summary data report[1] (附录A)包括2020-2021学年向德州西南大学董事会提交的所有必要报告信息, as of September 30th, 2021. 附录A中的摘要数据是根据技术过渡委员会的报告要求分类的, Section 51.253(c). 收到的报告可能适用于多个报告类别, and therefore, 类别中的汇总数据加起来不得等于其他类别的总和.

汇总数据报告也发布在 TSC website 根据TEC第51节的公开报告要求.253(c).


[1] When identifiable, 重复的报告被合并并在汇总数据中作为一个报告计算, 机密员工报告被标记为收到的报告总数的子集.

[2] 例如,学生和所有其他非雇员(包括3 .以下的事件)的报告.5(d)(3))从附录A和B中排除.  Additionally, 如果第九条协调员或副协调员确定报告中描述的事件类型, as alleged, does not constitute “sexual harassment,” “sexual assault,” “dating violence,” or “stalking” as defined in the TEC, Section 51.251,报告被排除在附录A和B之外. 第九条协调员或副协调员有责任评估收到的每一份报告,并确定它是否适当地包括在本报告中, and if so, to correctly identify the type of incident.

Appendix A

Summary Data Report

2020-2021 Academic Year

Texas Education Code, Section 51.252
Number of reports received under Section 51.252[1]

Number of confidential reports[2] under Section 51.252


根据第51条进行的调查数目.252 3
Disposition[3] 第51条规定的任何纪律处分程序.252:

a.     Concluded, No finding of policy violation[4]

b.     结论,与员工纪律处分

c.      结论,给予学生纪律处分






Number of reports under Section 51.252人,该机构决定不启动纪律处分程序[5] 3


Texas Education Code, Section 51.255

因未向所属机构报告或虚假报告而采取的任何纪律处分 Section 51.255(c):

a.     Employee termination

b.     机构意图终止,以代替员工辞职




[1] When identifiable, 重复的报告被合并并在汇总数据中作为一个报告计算, 机密员工报告被标记为收到的报告总数的子集.

[2]例如,学生和所有其他非雇员(包括3 .以下的事件)的报告.5(d)(3))从附录A和B中排除. Additionally, 如果第九条协调员或副协调员确定报告中描述的事件类型, as alleged, does not constitute “sexual harassment,” “sexual assault,” “dating violence,” or “stalking” as defined in the TEC, Section 51.251,报告被排除在附录A和B之外. 第九条协调员或副协调员有责任评估收到的每一份报告,并确定它是否适当地包括在本报告中, and if so, to correctly identify the type of incident.

[3] 学生和所有其他非雇员的报告(包括3 .以下的事件).5(d)(3))从附录A和B中排除.  Additionally, 如果第九条协调员或副协调员确定报告中描述的事件类型, as alleged, does not constitute “sexual harassment,” “sexual assault,” “dating violence,” or “stalking” as defined in the TEC, Section 51.251,报告被排除在附录A和B之外. 第九条协调员或副协调员有责任评估收到的每一份报告,并确定它是否适当地包括在本报告中, and if so, to correctly identify the type of incident.

[4] “机密报告数量”是根据第51条收到的报告总数的一个子集.252,由机密雇员或办公室(e.g.,咨询中心,学生健康中心,学生受害者倡导者,或学生组织).

[5] “处分”是指德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB) TEC规则中定义的“机构纪律处分程序下的最终结果”, Section 51.259[见19德克萨斯州行政法典,第3节].6(3) (2019)]; therefore, 待决的纪律处分程序将不会被列出,直到最终结果呈现.

[6] 该机构可能已经决定“不启动纪律处分程序”.“不启动纪律程序的原因包括, but are not limited to: case dismissal; insufficient information to investigate; confidential employee reporting (no identifiable information); the respondent’s identity was unknown or not reported; the respondent was not university-affiliated; the complainant requested the institution not investigate the report; the informal resolution was completed; the investigation is ongoing; or investigation was completed with a preponderance of evidence not met.